नमस्ते👋! Ankit Ghosal
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I'm a software developer and here is my portfolio website. Here you'll learn about my journey as a software developer.
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Me and
MyTech Stack

"As a Full Stack Developer, my versatile skill set forms the foundation of cutting-edge web development. I expertly navigate the essentials like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, seamlessly transforming designs into engaging user interfaces with React. The server-side magic is powered by Node.js and Express, while Redux keeps complex applications running smoothly. Crafting responsive and stylish designs is a breeze with Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap. I ensure collaboration and version control with Git and Github, and data finds its home in the efficient embrace of MongoDB. Finally, I deploy and host applications seamlessly with Vercel. With this comprehensive toolkit, I'm ready to turn your web development dreams into reality, creating exceptional digital experiences for your audience."

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